Sunday, April 07, 2024

"Macron/Poopy Pants"--fair enough. But "Macron/Judas" is bullying or hectoring.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Oh For Heavens's Sakes--

We all know already who perpetrated--planned, paid for, and participated in--the infamous Moscow Crocus City Hall  indiscriminate Massacre of Civilians (including children): The Same People who blew up the Nordstrom Pipeline: The CIA  (of course), together probably with the Thugs that call themselves the "Security Agencies" of Ukraine. To whom is this not obvious? Didn't you notice the nasty way Victoria Nuland smiled when she said, "asymmetric" and "nasty surprise"? Almost a grin--They enjoy their work.

Monday, March 04, 2024

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Suicide:

Conscience maybe. And maybe Karma. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Alexei Navalny: Sadistic/Murderous Xenophobe

I recognize the type, from distantly recollected reading in 19th century Russian literature--There were bizarre patriotisms that sprang up under the Czars, typically containing cores of fervent idolatry of the centralized Powers of the State, with layers almost as deep of hysterical abomination of non-Russian religions and social usages. You get glimpses of it in Dostoevsky. Parlous stuff to make a Western Hero/Saint of. And any words would fail to do justice to Navalny's spectacular (this close to scurrilous) Widow, the ever-bereft "Yolanda" as President Biden calls her. (Who makes these things up?)

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Male and Female created It Them

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Seriously now, being a fairly non-senescent 81 years old myself,

It is, to say the least, bemusing, to see  the President proclaim himself, and prove himself to be, an unpleasantly belligerent senile incompetent. This, I conjecture, is how the CIA asserts dominance.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Anent hot Houthi Pirates:

So spake the Cherub, and his grave Rebuke

Severe in youthful Beauty added Grace

Invincible. Abasht the Devil (That's us--the Satanic Western Globalist Deep State) stood,

And felt how awful Goodness is, Virtue

In her Shape how lovely saw--and pined his Loss (unprofitable Ambiguity). 

(I think I may have improved Milton)