Thursday, June 21, 2018

Anent Cultural/Racial Histories--

The dismal fact about those which are officially recognized and given a whole month out of the calendar to celebrate is that they don't exist.  There is no "Black History"--nor, for the matter of that, is there, really, a Black Culture, that it'd take more than a week or so out of a calendar year to analyze and classify.  On the other hand, say that we give Japanese civilization the month, at least, that its many achievements (artistic, philosophical, sociological) demand that we devote to it--What then shall we grant as an adequate amount of time to contemplate the vast, ancient civilization of China? Or India?  One should say, rather, the civilizations (plural) of India.  Come on.  Give me a break.

I notice that those (pointy headed ignoramuses) who propose to celebrate White Culture never have any notion what that would be. They seldom realize that modern European culture begins with Homer (unless it's 3,000 years before that, with the epic of Gilgamesh).  Then Virgil.  Then Dante.  Then Milton.  They couldn't distinguish between Perpendicular and Flamboyant Gothic if their life depended on it--much less between the Italian and the English madrigalists.  What is the significance of vocal polyphony? Josquin des Près?  Or Johann Sebastian Bach?  Please, if you don't know what I'm talking about, just shut up.


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