Sunday, April 16, 2006

My friends--some of whom I've known for more than forty years, a dozen or two people, only one of whom is Christian--are worried that I might, so late in life, be converting to Christianity. Well, it might ease my atheist friends' minds to know that what I am only lately coming to realize that I am, is a Gnostic Ebionite, and a great enemy of that virulent fraud and apostate, Saul of Tarsus, known as the Apostle Paul. Not really that I care, it just happens to be so. I hadn't bothered to check out Gnosticism until just this evening, when I started Googling "Jesus only man," a tenet of the Humanism (however you define it, so long as it includes animals and extra-terrestrials) which is my religion if I have one. And there it was, along with just about everything else that I truly, deeply believe. We Gnostic Ebionites, for example, believe that the only part of the Bible worth squat is the Book of Matthew--and only parts of that; actually, the first part mostly, including the Sermon on the Mount. That we very much believe in, not because it's God's word, but because it's morally and ethically true--the 'Dharma,' as Buddhists say. We don't at all worship Jesus, but we do love and revere him. And that's rather odd, because most of us are way more intellectually sophisticated than he is (or was); but love and seeing with the heart are what it's all about with Jesus. We believe/feel that the crude, self-serving Pauline insistence on Jesus' being God and Saviour sadly disserves his real, noble human nature. And besides, having consciences, we Gnostic Ebionites are not particularly interested in Salvation.


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