Friday, June 30, 2006

Word has it Phil wants me to call him, so I will tomorrow morning; it'll be early evening in alt Deutschland. He could, if he but would, communicate with me here, or e-mail me, but he's on vacation and wants to talk, I think. Anyway, one of the things that I think would gratify the Prophet MacLuhan is the effortless instantaneity of communication in the third millennium, just as He predicted (sort of). Maybe Robert Heinlein, maybe Isaac Asimov, in their various ways (the former's 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, the latter's 'I, Robot'), foresaw earliest the implications of the Universal Algorithm and Cyberspace; maybe Georg Leibnitz. This is stuff I have to Google. Lovely day swimming naked and alone in the river, and lovely prospect of more of the same (highs in the daytime of 90's, lows in the 50's at night) for the next week at least, so promised by the national weather service.


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