Thursday, February 22, 2007

At last I've got my blog back from the pestilential "improvements" of Google Corp. Now I have to sign in twice--but so be it. Blogspot is, after all, free. So what if I hung out in limbo for a month or so, wondering if I'd lost my blog forever.

'Tanyrate, back to our backass approach to the Anima, of Jungian ill fame. That's what I've been worrying at: This bland, heterosexist damned presumption that Jung and his ilk have laid on us, with no evidence other than their precious feeling that it must be so, that all men, like themselves, are psychically half female, and that women must therefore be possessed of a similar and opposite Animus. Not that anybody but the most doctrinaire Jungians have ever really accepted the silly-ass theory in its entirety; but rather unconsciously than consciously it has seeped into the corpus mentis publicae, sustaining the delusions of transsexuals and that unfortunate class of non-men whom I call pussy-men, of whom Maury Povich and Tom Cruise are signal, sickening examples.

Talking today with my Thai psy, Dr. Chanida, explaining to her what I'm using these life-sustaining amphetamines for--outlining to her my course of studies (Vedanta, brain sex differences, etc.,)--she said, "Well, that's interesting, but not very practical. How is this going to get you out of the homeless shelter?" I was rather taken aback, not having understood how much of a priority that was for her. So I guess I have to prosecute my plan to get into a Masters/Phd. program at the university. I am, after all, a fairly recent graduate, with a Magna cum Laude B.A. in French and Italian, and a still glistening Phi Beta Kappa award. So I guess I should.


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