Friday, January 25, 2008

I read the news today,  oh boy:  Murky, mucky stolen election in Kenya, refusal to relinquish ill-gotten power, murders perpetrated against whole ethnicities (Kikuyu), and retaliations (murderous) against whole other ethnicities.  Mau Mau politics?  The politics (if not of AIDS--Cannibalism?--and Sucking Severed Goats Penises) of "protecting" species like Giant Spitting Cobras, and making sure that anyone who gets bit by them never gets more than half of the anti-venin they need?  Interesting, but scarcely edifying. 

 So, turning to Italian politics, the exquisitely civilized-seeming (my impression) "Professore" Prodi is about to lose a vote of confidence in the upper house (What the hell do they need an upper house of Parliament for?  Did the Gladio group force that on them too?) of the Italian parliament, the Evil Magnate Berlusconi appears to be staging another CIA-backed comeback. 

What did I just say?

Smelling something, I googled a curious line of inquiry, starting, just for contentiousness' sake, with "CIA, instability of Italian government," and, Boys and Girls, can you guess where it led me?  Well, I have some very edifying bookmarks on my computer, starting with, "A timeline of CIA atrocities;" which led to the aforementioned "Gladio group:"  which led to "P2 Berlusconi;" which led to "Propaganda Due--Wikipedia;" which led to "Misteri d'Italia;" which led to--Are you with me, Boys and Girls?--" Il piano di rinascita di Licio Gelli."


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