Monday, July 21, 2014

And Now the 674 Tonne Question: What happened to Germany's Gold Reserves?

The short, simple, direct answer is that the U.S. Federal Reserve, acting on behalf of the thugs, crooks and shysters who constitute the federal government of the United States,  and who were supposedly keeping Germany's gold reserves safe for her in a bank in Manhattan, have stolen it--sold and resold it (almost certainly to China)--or, as they are entirely too fond of saying, "rehypothecated" it--in order to finance their endless piratical, genocidal wars abroad and their prison/police-state at home.  What's amazing about these our own thugs, crooks and shysters is that they seem almost to have believed, like psychotic children, that they wouldn't get caught at it--or that, if they were caught, they could just say, "Yeah, so what if we stole it?  What are you going to do about it?"--and expect to suffer no ill consequences from such villainous and faithless treatment of their friends and allies.  And, of course, the Deutschebundesbank and Merkel's top financial advisor, being enemies of the German people and co-conspirators de Nature with their fellow thugs, crooks and shysters at the U.S. Federal Reserve--once they had got over their first, panicked astonishment enough that they could speak, said, "Oh, yes, the audit's over.  Our friends at the U.S. Federal Rerserve bank in Manhattan are keeping all of Germany's gold safe for Germany.  Let's talk about something else!"  What, of course, the media in the United States did not report is that there ensued demonstrations, little short of riots, all over Germany of German people shouting, "Give us our goddamned money back!" and "Get Germany the hell out of NATO!"

But to characterize the thugs, crooks and shysters who constitute our federal government as "psychotic children"--while it does account for their unblinking stupidity, unreason and utter immorality--is rather wide of the mark in presupposing that they are human, of the same species as ourselves, though of a lesser growth; whereas the nature of such an act as the theft--filching as it was really--of an ally's gold reserves, and surprise, not shame, at being caught at it, is in fact several notches lower on the evolutionary scale of ethics than homo sapiens sapiens ordinarily sink to:  Toads, maybe, snakes or flatworms, have such ruthless, conscienceless, short-term self-centeredness, that they are unable to resist simply, as the opportunity presents itself, snatching whatever they want, without a thought for whomever besides themselves it might belong to.


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