Sunday, August 17, 2014

And now a Surprise, perhaps a Treat, for those who've come to think of me as hidebound and ineducable: A Confession of gobsmacked Bemusement:

I had hoped that the Revolution, as elsewhere explained and, to the best of my ability, fomented, would rise Phoenix-like from the smoking, impure blood of the Pigs (Policemen) of Ferguson, Missouri, once the vengeful citizenry thereof and thereabouts had roused themselves, by contemplation of the atrocious police murder of the unarmed and innocent Michael Brown, to pursue and slay them. What I had not expected was that the inconsequent Negroes to whom we had confided this important and necessary task  would work themselves into a properly tumultuous and clamorous fury--and start merely busting things up and looting.  Sheesh.  Looting.  Of all the dumb-ass, low-minded derailments of serious Revolutionary purpose and resolve!

So I'm thinking of writing a handbook like Lenin's "What Is To Be Done," and making sure it gets distributed before the next mass protest of the Police murder of an unarmed Negro.  I'll begin with a   capsule history of the American and French Revolutions.  Then I'll introduce the characters of Patrick Henry and Charlotte Corday, with an explanation of why both are useful rĂ´le-models, but that of Charlotte Corday is to be preferred (Saved 100,000 lives!).

I'm going to take a nap now.


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