Sunday, September 07, 2014

'Twas but a Fortnight ago that Joan Rivers, now dead, was saying (I heard her) that Obama's a Faggot and Michelle's a Tranny.

The sequence, and the close timing of those events did strike me as suspect--knowing what we know, and surmising what we surmise about  Obama's Kill Lists--but not being a particular fan of Mrs. Rivers, I hadn't thought to enquire further...till just a few minutes ago, thinking no more than, "Well, I just need to be sure," I Googled "Cause of Joan River's Death," and found that it's "unknown...under investigation," and that, indeed, the entire Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic--where Rivers was undergoing minor exploratory throat surgery, when she succumbed to cardiac arrest--is locked down, under guard, and being investigated by the New York Department of Health.  Oh my.  

My dismay is at this first evidence (that I know of) of the Sultan's [my pet designation of Obama] using his absolute, unchallenged prerogative of murdering his subjects, Kill Lists, in order to avenge personal insult against himself and his favorites.  It's the avenging of insults against favorites (familiar to us from Chinese and Turkish history) that, typically, unleash the full horrors of the Terrorist State; although, thinking of vengeance for direct personal insults, there's little that exceeds Caracalla's sack of Thebes and mass murder of Thebans for the crime of having had performed in that city a play denouncing his barbarity and cruelty.  But oh my.  


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