Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nel Museo Nazionale Archeologico dell' Umbria a Perugia--

I visited it more than once, but I was glad to have Phil with me on my last visit, so that He might (and indeed did) confirm the difference that I saw in the amazing side-by-side exhibits of contemporary Homo Neanderthalis and early Homo Sapiens Sapiens stone-chipping--a difference which would probably have been imperceptible  to the long extinct Neanderthal (or judged by him meaningless or irrelevant), as well as to the willfully blind Postmodernist Archeologist who is so obsessed (and obviously titillated) by the yet-to-be-established, though ardently wished-for, bestiality (inter-species fornication) of a human/neanderthal sexual connection, that to acknowledge such a difference, even in stone chipping, might threaten to deprive him of  one of his fondest, and nastiest, masturbatory fantasies; and, of course, a difference invisible to most women, to Marxists, and to all those with i.q.'s less than 115:   Our ancestral Human spear points, and other artifacts, are all different, even among themselves, depending apparently on the whim of their individual makers, and there is an immense concomitant variety of all kinds of points, from spears and arrows, down to specialized knives and fishhooks; while the Neanderthal spear points are rigidly limited in shape and type of manufacture, with no specialization of knife or arrow points, and no fishhooks.  The further, very important difference is that Neanderthal spear points are peculiar to the geographical location of their manufacture--indicating that there was no communication among the various wide-spread groupings of Neanderthal communities, even regarding the most basic technologies.  Obviously because Homo Neanderthalis had no language in which to communicate skills or expertise.


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