Thursday, July 27, 2017

No, I will NOT delete the last two posts, and I DO insist that the horrific reality they represent is, damn it all, factually REAL--

The realer in fact because the abomination they address, the wanton murder of children by the Powers That Are, is so unnecessary (not unlike Torture in its sheer gratuitousness)--Yet I hope these maimed, wounded and butchered innocents will forgive me if I digress for a moment to imagine a way in which their injuries might be avenged, and the injustice of the World Order, which has inflicted such outrage, punished, abolished and replaced by a governance of tolerance, compassion and beneficence.  

That way, it seems to me, is already at hand in the existence of the Internet.  All that is needed is for the legislatures of the state governments, of those states which have already so far liberated themselves as to declare themselves independent of the Federal Empire's drug-prohibition "security" agencies, to issue laws establishing and regulating the direct participation, via the Internet, of the states' citizens in the governance of their states.  When the duly qualified citizens of free states begin spending, say, an hour a week at their computers, or smart phones, participating in, and conducting, and being remunerated for, the governing of their own states, then the bloated, secretive hydra of the national government will find no purchase among them--except irrational, predatory violence.  And irrational, predatory violence (I might remind students of 19th century Indian history particularly) can be evaded, resisted and retaliated against.  We may dream of Hillary Clinton, les mains liĆ©es, like a modern day Hypatia or Princesse de Lamballe, delivered to a mob of Libyans armed with oyster shells and pocket knives.


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