Sunday, October 15, 2017

But what did Harvey Weinstein DO?

I've forced myself to read some of the repulsive, nauseating depositions of women of the sort whom, I suppose, for want of a better word, we might call "starlets" (although some of them are perhaps even full-bushed "stars"), who were, purportedly, "abused," or "assaulted," or "harrassed" by Mr. Weinstein--and I surmise, from what I've read, that the ugly, big, fat, hideously mutilated (circumcised), Jewish Mr. Weinstein made a practice of inviting these starlets, one at a time, up to his hotel room, where he would appear before them in a bathrobe, or else stark naked, and try to induce the said not unnaturally horrified and disgusted young (and not so young) starlets to have sex with him (or give him a full body massage, or submit to cunnilingus, or whatever).  It appears that most of these women refused--but that quite a large number (perhaps as many as a third) permitted Mr. Weinstein to have his way with them, and even came back repeatedly for more afterward.  As I gather that heterosexual men do, when soliciting sex from starlets (or bimbos) whom they don't intend to remunerate for it, Mr. Weinstein seems to have operated on a percentage basis.  To whom this matters, and why they consider it newsworthy, or what possible interest it could be to anybody (with an i.q. larger than her shoe size), I have not a clue.

What is, I guess, sort of interesting, is that the starlets (or bimbos) who did wind up having sex, or something like sex, with Mr. Weinstein, reveal themselves to have been every bit as repulsed by the unprepossessing Mr. Weinstein's person and character as those who fled incontinent from their first interview with him and refused ever to have any sort of sex with him--but they did it anyway; sometimes (with their gorge rising) repeatedly.  I am so glad that I'm gay.  Call me misogynist: but I've never had sex with somebody who repulsed me, and, frankly, I coldly despise those who have. In fact, as I think about it, despising and being repulsed are near-allied.  It occurs to me that the primary evolutionary advantage of our species' sexual dimorphism may not be so much for its convenience, to the bigger, stronger, more intelligent and more ethical sex, in overmastering rejection, as in that, being stronger than they, and better able to fend them off, he might not have to endure the loathsome embraces of creatures manifestly inferior to himself.


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