Monday, January 29, 2018

Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God--the end of Jordan Peterson's Usefulness and Validity as a Thinker (Philosopher)

I have not listened to more than a sampling of this--but quite enough to know that I heartily despise it and am profoundly bored by it.  It is a second-rate re-mastication of ideas and subject-matters that were valueless and third-rate to begin with.  What's amazing is how much there is of it: Given worthless, inane, vacuous premises, like the "philosophical implications of the Bible,"  it is the hopeless and ineluctable self-imposed duty of  lesser intelligence (which Peterson thereby proves himself to be) to expatiate upon them endlessly.

Listen, stupids, and learn:  There is no truth, literal, metaphorical or symbolic, in Christianity. Stop poking at it.  In its decay and corruption, Christianity is a corpse that can no longer be galvanized.


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