Wednesday, September 19, 2018

But let me just make it clear, if I haven't already, that, in my opinion, Rape, as slobbering, hysterical feminists--or just as silly-ass women in general these days--are wont to work themselves into such a lather over, is, after all, NOT that big a deal...

Unless, I'll allow, it actually hurts, or does physical harm.  And no, even in the case of very soft, delicate and effeminate ladies, I don't think that imaginary "psychological hurt" is (at all) so serious a matter as real, physical harm (or hurt). And yes, I do think that the gravity of the crime of rape ought to be determined by the amount of physical hurt and injury sustained by the victim--and by when it happened: i.e., I do think that statutes of limitations should apply.  So yes, even if Christine Blasey Ford is not lying (and I think she is), I think it does not matter that some sort of carnal knowledge may have been had of her 36 years ago when she was but a slip of a mindless chit (or mere girl)--and, that unless she has some real, evidentiary proof (psychiatrist's notes don't count) of having been "raped," her wrongfully accused "rapist" ought now, in all fairness, to sue her lying ass for defamation of his character. And I say all this with the authority of one who has, in mine own person, upon a time, endured the indignity of forcible rape (and, as it happens, much enjoyed it). ¿Claro? And fuck you, if you don't, or won't, understand me.

This has nothing to do with the fact that I consider Brett Kavanaugh, on his own merits, or the lack thereof, a woefully inadequate candidate for the Supreme Court.


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