Saturday, January 26, 2019

Speaking as a Twit, or male Sylph (my Core Self),

I'm aware of the benefits of Hypocrisy, of Secrecy, and of keeping Safe by Silence--the occasional whirring and twittering in the unbelievably vulgar lower strata of Popular Media about "Pedophile Rings," often associated with adoption agencies, said to exist among Australian Businessmen and Republican members of the United States Senate, reminds me that the subject is still alive and responding to stimulus--though perhaps we'd better not talk about it.  Not as long as fitting punishment for it is widely held to be castration and death under tortures. And I'm not exaggerating: I have seen the backs of people's minds--and that, as explicitely as it can be rendered, is what most people believe to be adequate and condign punishment for pedophilia.

Nonetheless, there are certain evidences which, to  me, suggest that it (father/son pedophilia) persists (continues, for good or ill, to exist).  I could name famous fathers who have totally sexual relationships with their sons.  Not that it is not known, but that it is simply not recognized, much less understood or seen for what it is. And frankly, from what I (to the difference of others) see and appreciate of it, I admire it, and if I had means, and were I fifty years younger, I might engage in it myself--but I have long since bid my Horatian adieux to the delights of Boys, and given thanks for my deliverance from a Cruel and Capricious Master. The day will yet come when the world, and Child Protective Services, will judge approvingly of every sexual act which gives pleasure and delight, not pain or humiliation, and is remembered without regret or remorse by both/all parties, regardless of their respective ages or familial connection. In a word, the world, and women, have to get it through their heads that, for healthy, sane, normally bisexual men, there is no negative connotation to sex; that, for such men, sex is without malicious, cruel or psychotic implication. You can trust your kids with him. He might over-indulge them, but he won't be mean to them.

Does this mean that we approve of mother/daughter Lesbian incest, or Father/Daughter heterosexual incest? Jeezuz, I suppose so, I say reluctantly but consistently--though, I confess that I am weirded out and disgusted at merely having to name such abominations aloud, as it were; and there's one obvious abomination that I have not and will not mention, simply because it creeps me out--though it's probably the one most often practiced in that real world out there).


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