Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Newly Found Disk Galaxy Shouldn't Really Exist

Had a flash, while notre cher Anton was explaining how galaxy-formation computer-simulation requires the existence of Dark Matter to explain the (photographic, etc.) evidence we have of the Universe of approximately only one and a half billion years old (say, twelve billion years ago): Dealing in a rational, adult manner with such immense antiquities is maybe something that those who grew up in Jesus Land, and who may have had their brains sadistically mutilated by Parochial School Educations, are ill-equipped to do. While still, I myself find the existence of Dark Matter a depressing prospect--and even as I still am deeply annoyed by the Big Bang itself (which, goddammit, in a rational, godless universe ought never to have happened)--I must allow that my disquiet is probably not of the same order of magnitude of spiritual anguish as that of one who, while surveying the Grand Canyon, and bearing in mind (if he were not stupid) the hundreds of thousands and millions of years necessary for the laying down of geologic strata of limestone, might be attempting to shoehorn those ancient seabeds (in his imagination) into an earth supposedly less than seven thousand years old. That must hurt.


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