Monday, July 27, 2020

Why scientists are so worried about this glacier

What we won't do, apparently, is what it would have been necessary to've done to've saved us. Dàmn, we are not like those  industrious Mesopotamians of long ago, expanding their acreage and figuring out what to do with excess water when they had it--and we really need to be like them, and think like them.

Here's My Plan: We take the water that the collapse of Thwaites Glacier will dump into the worldwide ocean, and we somehow fuckin siphon it into outer space--say, a couple of hundred, or thousand,  miles out. In a big extraterrestrial globe of ocean-water, in orbit around the earth, an extra-ocean, so to say, to be added-to as the world inexorably warms. Listen, we've put a man on the moon, invented the transistor, we can do it. Now, do you know what you could do with an extra ocean?

Meantime, what we need is lift-off capacity. For several things--besides Water. Ourselves. Nuclear waste. The latter in permanent orbit around, and on the far side of, the moon, I should think, as the safest place to store it in case we should ever need it. And ourselves, I think, with all the space and elbow-room and creature-comforts that we require, might make space travel the Flying Cloud reality we know it will be. That's my Liner (or Riverboat) Kami Mentality contribution to Mahayana Buddhism. I don't insist on it.


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