Friday, March 23, 2018

When I was a little kid, my forebears being mostly college-educated white people, the first gods and goddesses that I read about, in Victorian primers,

were the Gods of Olympus.  I didn't have to believe in them, and I understood that I didn't have to believe in them--but I liked them, and I liked believing in them; especially Apollo, Athena, Hermes, Zeus, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon; my favorites being Apollo and Hermes (although a certain frisson that went through my pubescent body when I thought about Sky-Father Zeus gave me to understand that a particular intimacy was the nature of boys' relationships with Zeus).  And there was a real sense, when then I went to Protestant (Methodist) Sunday school, that Jesus, for all his strange love of sinners, and suffering little children to come unto Him, lacked both the character and the class--and the wits--of the Olympians.  Frankly, he bored me.  But I was too young still, at ten years old and less, to realize quite what it portended for my Christian Faith that I found Apollo and Athena (the original Wonder Woman) fun and jocund, and if it came to that, believable--while Jesus, knock as he might at the door of my heart, and offering me "Salvation" for sins that I hadn't committed and didn't want to commit, seemed weird and distant.


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