Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wikileaks Exposes The War Crimes of the U.S. in Iraq - The Final Loss of Credibility, Moral Authority, and the Right of Governance....

Astonishing how feeble are the hisses of protest from the Saurian Thing that possesses the Central Authority: feeble, and muted, as of something paralyzed, which, for fear, can't quite draw a full breath. The headline for Pravda of October 19th says it best: Wikileaks eats Pentagon from within. Horror on horror, infamy on infamy--Dante would have had to have lived as long as Methuselah to describe the unspeakable sadistic hell that the United States and its military and para-military forces have created over the past seven years in Iraq, and which is revealed in the latest (yesterday's) Wikileaks document-dump. And now it lies before us--all of it--in all its criminality and delight in the victimization of the innocent, palpitating and writhing, and absolutely irrefutable. And now? Now--listen to Julian Assange--the truth they tell, and "the attack on truth that these documents reveal" has three distinct tenses: Before the "War," during the "War," and now. Ah, so. And I would just like to point out one of the more obvious and fundamental implications: So far, the single most persuasive argument against the "9/11 Truthers" has been that it would have been unthinkable for the Central Authority to have attacked itself. We now see plainly that any power, which is capable of having perpetrated the obscene military adventure in Iraq, would scarcely have thought twice about murdering its own people.


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