Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Still Bingeing on the endless Television Series 'Supernatural,' watching one damned episode after another on my computer, into the wee hours of the morning, day after day...

While the world,  seemingly ever more firmly in the grasp of psychotic/sadistic ghouls, imbeciles and madmen (I speak primarily of the United States of America, and its bloated, fascist military/security agency dictatorship and NATO allies) tips ever more vertiginously into the toilet, with the destabilization of the Russian economy, destruction of European and American assets, and ongoing murders of civilians, especially children--such as the recent massacres of school children in Pakistan blamed on the Taliban which are so obviously the work of the CIA. How life doth imitate art.

I have learned, in a recent letter from my bank denying me, now or ever, a credit card, that I (of all people) have a credit rating, and that it couldn't, possibly, be lower.  Ha ha.  I mean, the idea of me having a decent credit rating!  It's like the idea of me driving a car.  Or me getting married to a woman.  Or me (even when I was young and lissome) competing in intercollegiate wrestling.  Or joining the marines.  Or (even before Vatican II) becoming a priest.  


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