Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hold it just a damned minute--These things may or may not offend or worry Justice Scalia, but they bug the hell out of me....

"Scalia's concerns about black students who need "slower schools" because they are in essence stealing opportunities from more "deserving" and "qualified" [None of these 'scare quote marks' are mine] white students is highly selective and extremely myopic.  Scalia is apparently not offended by how colleges and universities across the United States frequently admit less qualified men in order to maintain "gender parity" [my quotes] in a given freshman "cohort." [my quotes and my italics] And given his connections to the Republican Party and "movement conservatism," [my quotes] Scalia is likely none too worried about how children of legatees and donors (i.e., rich white people who have money) are able to secure preferential admission (and in many cases also graduation at America's colleges and universities--when many of them, like Gorge Bush would not have been admitted based on test scores intellectual acuity or merit."

Says fuckin' who?  Says fuckin' Chauncey DeVega in a front-page editorial in today's edition of my old love-to-hate favourite, Salon magazine.

Well, Chauncey--whoever you are--you may believe that some of us out here in reality-land really do believe in a grades-and-tests-only standard of fairness for college admissions.  If I were Dean of Admissions and somebody came up to me blathering about "legatees" or "gender parity"--just the same as if he was prattling on about "racial diversity"--I'd tell him please not to waste my time with fraudulent twattle (or twaddle).  And may God strike me dead before I will refer to any number of freshman students, male or female, as a "cohort."


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