Thursday, December 31, 2015

I never knew of the existence of Aaron Spelling while he lived:

And I never suspected that so much of what I furiously detested and deeply despised about commercial television (the tastelessness! the complacent, matter-of-course heterosexuality! the stupidity!), from the sixties until quite recently, was his--or anybody's--actual, deliberate doing.  I had thought that things as putridly vile as 'Dynasty' and 'The Mod Squad' must have arisen spontaneously, like maggots from the mud of the Nile, wherever shit (noxious fecal matter) lay deep enough and were incubated with warm sentiment and drool.  I had no idea that any sort of purposeful labor was involved in the making of it.  Like many another Truly White Person, I have never owned a television, and I have only lately, thanks to Netflix and Hulu, taken to binge-watching whole television series on my computer.  

So, until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of the television series 'Charmed,' and I think it will still be a cold day in Biloxi before I will watch anything so deeply imbued with cunt-snot, even now that, by the grace of Hulu, I might watch it if it occurred to me to do so.  My loss, I'm sure Ms. McGowan will think it.


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