Sunday, April 23, 2017

The chief problem with welcoming Sissies, Trannies and Lesbians to the Feast of (Male) Gay Liberation is

That any normal (i.e. masculine), self-respecting gay man hates--loathes viscerally--the very idea of having sex with any of them as much as he does the idea even of having sex with actual girls (creatures with actual vaginas).  In fact (for such we are commonly made by God or Nature, as you will), effeminacy is ordinarily as repugnant to us real, macho gays as real femininity--and we fucking resent being told that this, our most essential negative characteristic, is a species of captious bigotry.  Too bad if it's your vagina (or feminine nature, or effeminate pose) that we nauseate and shudder at. We are not, in sum, as much what we despise and abominate, as we are what we love and worship. And we have the inalienable right to despise and abominate what we damn please, as much as we have the right to love and worship almighty cock.


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