Monday, March 12, 2018

Defining Trump

There seems to be some question, in some peoples' minds, about what Donald Trump is--how we should qualify him, so to speak.  In truth, there is no question.  What Donald Trump is, and has always been known to be--since he first appeared before us as a Reality Television "star"--is vulgar. Stupid, yes--thin-skinned, ignorant, illiterate, narcissistic, ineducable and irrational, even--but you miss the point if you don't grasp his one really irreducible quality which is vulgarity.  If you're still not getting it, go over--really listen to--the incredible, long, ex tempore oration he made, on the occasion of their Jamboree, to the Boy Scouts of America:  The word for what he said, and his manner of saying it, ladies and gentlemen, is vulgar. Apparently, nothing but vulgarity will serve the unspeakable purposes of the Deep State of America.

Vulgarity is inarguable, leaves nothing to be said--and that, no doubt, is what you want when your foreign policy is genocidal (intimidating through the slaughter of women and children), as it is now in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the Yemen, and your domestic policy is simply that of a fascist prison-state, designed to incarcerate as many people, and confiscate as much of their material wealth as possible: You say "Grab 'em by the pussy," or some similar, mind-boggling obscenity--and, for you, there is a useful pause. Wriggle-room. It takes the average citizen several instants of frozen horror (during which you are still alive) to realize that a bullet between your eyes, or a knife through your aorta, is the only really meet and fitting response to your violent, though possibly inadvertent, indecency.  Or so says the Charlotte Corday within me.


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