Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Yesterday Trump said, "The FBI is a cancer on our country"--I, with my own eyes and ears, witnessed him saying it.

Today CNN says he didn't say it.  Or didn't mean it.  And, considering the enormity of the statement, and the fact that, whether he said it or not, it's true--there is almost nothing in the official presstitute news about it: Suddenly, almost as shocking, falls eerie silence after the blast of explosion.  And in the distance, the unaccountable third building, brought down by controlled demolition, crumbles in gravity free fall. At what point dares the Sultan say, "Evil I am, and evil I do.  Such is my nature, and my boundless power.  So fucking what?"

Well, will Trump--or anybody else--say that the CIA and the NSA are cancers? Or the DEA?  Or NATO?  Or the TSA?  Or the Homeland Security or the Patriot Acts?  How about the Military? Cancers certainly they are--What does it take to get Trump to say so?


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