Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Call From Margo

Bless her.  We talked about tea: How necessary it is to have a replacement-tea for those unfortunate but inevitable times that you run out of your essential Darjeeling.  We spoke of Assam and Nilgiri.  I didn't get to prattle on about the Western Ghats, as I usually like to do (being somewhat infatuated with the mere fact of their existence), because we  had other things to talk about; I also did not tell her that my latest shipment of Ruby Darjeeling (which arrived just when she called) has cost me some 200+ dollars--In case she should be running out, and might be needing some more, and can't afford it, and I might have to step forth and send her some (more). I did give her the web address of and reminded her that tea has ('tis said) curative powers.  Which is not something that I say lightly to someone whom I know to be afflicted with breast cancer.  And then I told her the story of the Israeli doctor who discovered cannabinoids and the cannabinoid-receptor system.  Then I mentioned (more to change the subject than anything) that I'm in favor of forcing all Canadians to learn French, even if they live in British Columbia--and retold my favorite self-story about sitting next to the old lady who spoke only French, from northern Ontario, on an airplane--and how I loved understanding her and her life's story in her own words. Which really did happen, and, I insist, when I stand before the Judges of the Dead, will be brought forth in evidence in determining my Next Incarnation. And Margo said how she would love for me to meet and talk with her older brother Jay, who has most of his life been a sitting (as I think I've heard said. curious.) judge in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, and who has definite opinions on the subject of French in Canada. Sounds fun.


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