Monday, February 04, 2019

Trump Still Considering Military Intervention in Venezuela

Here's the boy pretending he "considers" things. Insolently (Who is he defying?) outrageous and cruel things. He was once and is still a prime-time television star, even when he considers. A being totally without compassion, honor or probity, who is, consequently, a puppet of the warmakers.  As they breathe, he squeaks.

There are, however, a discernible malevolence, together with an off-hand cruelty, in Trump's speech, and his manner of delivering it, that are instructive, and which afford virtually identifying insight into the actual (bad) character of those who hold the Reins of Power: Inhuman, I'd say, but possibly Aristocratic. Oddly so. Suggestive of Shape-Shifting Flesh-eating Lizards from Outer Space, one might almost think, of the sort to whom crèches* (egg-clutches) are determinants of class and rank  Definitely into Mexican toddlers à la Bave et au Sang. You can smell it on them. Like it's their national dish.

*The creature envisaged here is the Komodo Dragon--We've all seen the pictures of the late George Bush half morphed into one--a venomous and stupid animal.  Also notably, on occasion, parthenogenic, creating grave problems for the evolutionary biologist, and for those who earn their right to power by their birth-order.  It envenoms with its bite, but not with any particular venom except the utter foulness of its mouth. And it. or something like it, began thinking about the relation between a circle and a square, approximately one billion years ago on the second planet in orbit around the larger of the twin stars of Alpha Centauri.  Reptiles are way earlier on the scale of evolution than humans; no doubt, in worlds without catastrophes, such as befell us 67,000,000 years ago, the dominant life-form throughout the universe (though I hope, personally, that most of these turn into birds--as dinosaurs seem always to have been trying to do.).


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