Sunday, August 25, 2019

How Quickly we Forget...

The immense squalor of Epstein & Buddies is...behind us. Okay. I wasn't really all that interested--what with the subtext of tiny twats. But with their piercing shrieks of maenadic obsession with female child sexual molestation (the agony of which is 99% imaginary), these feminist harpies have drowned out the cries of boys being physically maimed and murdered by their single mothers and their single mothers' boyfriends (and girlfriends). And that's what's wrong, Lucy.

Still, there are a couple of things which have only fairly recently been got right: Gay Marriage (being gay) and Cannabis Liberation (smoking pot). As a species we have gained authentic awareness of ourself. It is wonderful indeed to know that we have endocannabinoids (and endocannabinoid receptors) throughout our brains and bodies--and as recently as twenty-seven years ago we knew nothing of the sort. And it took a decade or so to sink in.

Same with gayness--Something very fundamental (to society) happened about a dozen years ago, when it suddenly became a-okay to be gay. I've analyzed it elsewhere as the clever Lesbian strategy of demanding full civil rights for their Lesbian Marriages, and calling them "gay," thereby including gay men, who until then had been mostly satisfied to be "partners." But it lit a fire under straight women, and with that focus everything changed.

I just saw this: "Gay marriage is the slippery slope to incest." And, I should think, to polygamy. So?


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