Saturday, February 15, 2020

Ladies--speaking of men's affections--take what's freely given, and nevermind what you're begrudged:

That is the lesson that women and trannies should be taking from The Great Mirror of Male Love; while cis-gender gay men of today, with a sigh of relief, can just relax behind the reassurance that their instinctual revulsion against the yin of things, has long since been validated independently, in the works of Ihara Saikaku. This does not mean, ladies and trannies, that you're being thrown under the bus, but it does mean that you are, in the normal course of things, disliked by as much as the majority of men...Not hated really, but coldly and civilly disliked--not loved--by a surprising number of straight men, as well, of course, as by most gay men. Tough nuggets. 

But so what? If I may slightly modify the Fascist dictator's motto "It doesn't matter if I am loved or respected, so long as I am feared," it doesn't matter that you, Mesdames, and your affairs, perhaps because of your inveterate deceit (as says, credibly, Arthur Schopenhauer), are disliked by men, so long as you are still, withal, respected by men and done no violence, insult or injury, by men. That's just how it is, when the sexes are dimorphic, with the one perpetually demanding to be loved, and the other always exacting order and obedience. Society, in my view,  with codified behaviour, and with the wonder and delight of Conversation, is an elegant and pleasant invention that resolves the tension between the sexes amiably, as if everything were in fun.


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