Saturday, November 19, 2016

Am I a Misogynist?

Let's just say that the last time I went to the library, along with Vingt-mille Lieux sous les Mers, which I've read a couple of times since I was ten years old, I checked out Le Tour du Monde en 89 Jours, neither the book nor the movie made from it I have been able to force myself to read or watch even once in my whole life--and on reading the Wikipedia review and synopsis I have found out why:  My Guardian Sylphs knew that when Phineas Fogg and his valet get to India they acquire Redundant  Female Baggage in the form of a Hindoo widow, with whom our chief protagonist falls in love, proposes marriage to, and who encumbers them throughout the rest of what has already become an insufferably long and tedious tale.  Say what you will about 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, there is no Redundant Female Baggage in it.  Or none that I recall.   


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