Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Modest Proposal

Messieurs et Madame,

I have ventured to invoke and summon you all to this Council of War and Deliberation to consider, and to deal with, actual American fascist criminality, and with the imminent, ultimate threat of thermonuclear war, which the United States of America poses to you, to its own citizens, and to the world--based as it is, as all tyrannies are founded upon, military domination abroad and the savage repression of its own people within a militarized prison state at home.  The center, the captive heart, of the Evil Empire lies in South America in the country of Colombia, the Cocaine Cash-Cow of the DEA, the CIA, and of the many unofficial but all-important secret, paramilitary agencies of the United States:  Colombia, above all others the country most heavily invested militarily by a foreign power, and, consequence, the most violent country on earth:  Fortress Colombia, indeed.  But it is just this total militarization and victimization of Colombia which offers you Leaders of the Free World, if I may suggest, the best chance of defeating the United States militarily and of ending its pernicious hegemony in the world: Because the U.S. military, to whom the governance of Colombia is confided, is entirely made up of mercenary soldiers, thugs and murderers for hire, whom (though some 14.5% are women) it should trouble no one's conscience to shoot dead where they stand--and who might be, and ought, I think, to be annihilated by a combined force of guerilla armies from neighbouring countries, plus citizen-soldier volunteers from other countries around the world, plus Colombia's own FARC; while at the same time, I recommend that U.S. soldiers, as the representatives and agents of tyranny throughout the world (but particularly in Central and South America, and in Europe), be killed, shot where they stand, by local, loyal sons of Freedom bearing the arms supplied them, or made accessible to them, by (I should think) Russia, China and Japan.  



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