Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dalla Biblioteca, il Computer mio essendo ammalatto

God how it worries me when my computer's colicky! But the library (the beautiful Hawaiian State Library) does very well by me for all my non-pornographic needs. I'm returning the Trois Soutras et un Traite` sur la Terre Pure; having faithfully read every goddamned word, and mentally yawning and drumming my fingers through everything, and feeling much put-upon with what seemed like somebody's highly visual, but not at all intrinsically interesting peyote trip--when suddenly I struck the "Cinq Maux (Cinq Blessures, Cinq Brulures de l'Existence)": Wow. I gotta say, as one who's spent a lot of time trying to figure exactly this out, that's How It Is...There is even a key here to BDSM, but I'm not quite sure what it is.