Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The thing about the Madness of Ludwig II is that, apart from his prodigiously good taste,

there was nothing mad about it.  The poor dude was gay, pure and simple.  Not stupid, not cruel, not frivolous, not mean or ill-natured--just gay. And it's not as if there were no mounting evidence, towards the end of the 19th century,  that a lot of people, most of them male, were gay. At least as many as there were dipsomaniac, left-handed, color-blind and crippled people.  So why did the powers and institutions that, in the 19th century were (beginning, say, with the Austro-Hungarian Empire) with all the interests they had in finding out just what would constitute a fairly descriptive, over-all objective demographic of the exceedingly various peoples they expected to form into countries in their own right, if not democracies, (which everyone, I think, admits that at least the Austro-Hungarian Empire did an exhaustive job of trying to do) so insist, contrarily to the evidence, on the abnormality--indeed the criminality--of male homosexuality?

The answer, I fear, is not edifying, and point to the conclusion that the Emperor Franz-Josef, like the Tsar, and like the majority of Englishmen, was, in normal matters, an idiot.

Monday, May 23, 2016

North Carolina--Are they teasing us?

Mind--I don't hold any brief for trannies (transsexuals, transgenders) of any description, or of whatever degree of preposterous delusion or ghastly surgical mutilation.  And I think I may have invented the notion of dealing with them with defensive weaponry (so that we needn't touch them with our bare hands).  But leave it to the Tar Heel State to issue pepper spray to students in the state's schools to use against any trannies they might encounter in the school toilets.

Kids pepper spraying trannies--What could go wrong?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

When I was 32, he was 19, and quite the nicest young man I'd ever known...

I just received word that Bill Banks, age 60, is dead of chronic and acute alcoholism. That's one in ten of us, ¿Is it not, Lord? that cannot hold his liquor.

But I just found out, a month later, that poor Billy was in the final stages of lung cancer, and that this is shown as the cause of death. 

Saturday, May 07, 2016

So I Just stumbled onto Google's fawning, pious celebration of the 160th birthday of Sigmund Freud--and exasperated, fed up, and deciding to have done with this perennial crock of shit, I said:

"How long do we have to call the this preposterous, unscientific fraud genius?  Fuck this bullshit."

And which further, on reflection, I think succinctly and sufficiently disrespectful.  Yea for me.

Friday, May 06, 2016

But now let's think of the worst-possible (he even tried, in his time, to revive the Inquisition) king of Spain, Ferdinand VII, and his frightful mother, Luisa Maria of Parma whose illegitimate bastard he was:

Thank God Goya was there to depict them as they were or we should never have believed it!

I've spent the last couple of days reading through the crimes and follies of these titled miscreants--time wasted on villainy, like the transgressions of cockroaches, so vile and so predictable, and so utterly unimaginative.  Suffice it to say that, seen from this end of the telescope, the horrors of Generalísimo Franco are as much matters of inevitable historical necessity as is the dissolution of the Spanish Empire. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

It's Funny (Odd) how the ancient Religion of the Vedas and the most modern of Occidental Cosmogonies Concur:

In all that is manifest in the Universe since the Big Bang, the True Seer sees movement only in one direction: Entropy. In everything, from the creation of stars and galaxies, to the re-Catholicization of Bohemia under the Habsburgs, which created in 18th century Prague the only society in the world of a musicality sufficiently advanced to appreciate the music of Mozart.

Monday, May 02, 2016

So let me explain, O Fat Fems, and Femmy Fats--Did you hear what I just said?--

It's those whose natural time and function it is to be Perfect Beauties, enraptured with one another's perfection (who cannot be thus, by definition, Fat or Fem), who fulfill the moral and esthetic purpose of the Entropic Expanding Universe in having sex together.  It is Supremely theirs to judge of, not ours.  Sad, yes, for all those many fat, fem, chocolate, rice less perfect, less real, and infinitely less interesting orgasms and raptures (if such indeed they be)--but better than that they should give themselves airs, delude themselves, and try to deceive the rest of us.

So let's repeat:  Sissies, Lesbians, and Horrid Trannies have nothing whatsoever the fuck to do with masculine, fit, cisgender gay men.  The word is gay, not queer, and the etymology is slut, not phony.

NO FATS----------------------------------------NO FEMS

I've worn this T-shirt most of my life--and meant it.   Even when, say, past fifty years of age, while of course as butch as I ever was, I was no longer slim and muscular.  Even so, while grateful for those surprisingly numerous young slender, masculine gerontophiliacs who are willing to settle for only just masculine in their sex-partners, I think back on those happy times when we were both both slim and masculine, and I gotta say we were better then.  Way better.

Think of Nikòs, a Greek boy of twenty-five summers, same as me then, whose muscles seemed, like his abundant curly hair, and his heart-stoppingly noble profile, to have been sculpted by Praxiteles, and who was as smitten with my twenty-five-year-old exquisitely lanky "nordic" thighs and abdominals as I was with his sublimely Greek thighs and abdominals--how our cocks, without our touching them seemed to fit together like old friends.  Both of us coming together three times in a row.  It takes two of you enraptured with one another's beauty to do that.

Fat fems have no idea.