Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sandyhook Elementary School Massacre

I am so sick of thinking, over and over, again and again, of this unspeakable horror--of the fourteen little kids cut down in one class, and the six in the next...of the screams over the intercom...of the six brave lady teachers who, at the first glimpse of the horrid beast, threw themselves at it unarmed.  It's only been five days, and it feels like I've been waking up with tears in my eyes for weeks.

This, probably, is what the thing that dwelt in Adam Lanza's breast/mind intended; something to make us all achingly, unappeasably sad--and well, yes, indignantly, furiously and impotently angry.  And perhaps not unlike Adam Lanza, I am angry with the whole goddamned universe.  Or perhaps with just that part of it which Vivekananda and his guru insist is the terrible and beautiful Goddess of Destruction.