Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Netflix' "The Outlaw King" is good History and outstanding Cinema,

with, may I just say, a perfectly acceptable American, Chris Pine, playing Robert the Bruce. Objections, such as have been raised, to the ineradicably Standard American phonology of Mr. Pine's speech, are, in my opinion, ill-founded:  Robert the Bruce's dates are 1277 to 1329;
he is known to have spoken Norman French, Gaelic and Latin—None of which, like Mr Pine's American English, was in the least degree, non-rhotic.

And most especially do we give thanks on prayerfully bended knee to whatever divinities are in charge of such things that Chris Pine's Robert de Bruce is nothing like Mel Gibson.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

¡¿Rudolf Steiner?! ¡That Fool, Charlatan, Fraud and incompetent racist Swine!

Having an otherwise pleasant conversation with my old friend Margo this morning, telling her what an idiot she is not to disavow the mad, melancholy, cruel, worthless and detestable cant of Christianity, we stumbled onto the subject of the similarly loathsome, absurd, pernicious and execrable (as in merde) Rudolf Steiner and his fatuous "Anthroposophy," and "Waldorf Schools," which Margo has always thought of as sort of an alternative method to the pre-school education of Dr. Maria Montessori.  ¡Jesus! How quickly and scathingly did I disabuse my dear old friend Margo of that erroneous confusion!  And I made sure she understood what utter horseshit is all Viennese "depth" psychology, philosophy, and odious dodecaphonic music theory as well—making sure that she understood that Reich, Freud, Jung, Steiner and Schoenberg are one steaming crock of equine excrement. I do what I can.  

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Mexican fucking Supreme Court just ruled that "everyone (who is a Mexican citizen) has a (Mexican Constitutional) right to the free development of his personality, without interference from the state," and that, "therefore, the prohibition of marijuana for personal, recreational use by Mexican citizens is unconstitutional."

And that is by far the most liberal opinion on marijuana by a supreme court that I ever heard of.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Sydney's same-sex penguin couple Sphen and Magic become parents after ad...

Some discrepancy here (with our previous post) in regards to which country the zoo our proud papa penguins, and their chick, are actually in—Sydney, Australia, as it says here, and in every other place that I've looked for the story of gay penguins Sphen and Magic--or somewhere in the Netherlands as the article I've transcribed from Gayburg gives us to understand by calling both the penguins and the zoo they're in "olandesi."

Monday, November 05, 2018

I due pinguini gay olandesi sono diventati papà

This story from the latest Gayburg is so utterly delicious in Italian, I just had stick it in.

"Sphen e Magic sono diventati genitori. I due pinguini gay che ad ottobre adottarono un uovo abbandonato, lo hanno accudito sino a farlo schiudere ed ora si comportano come due genitori attenti verso il loro pulcino che pesa solo 91 grammi, ossia meno di una mela media o di un telefono.

"Annunciando la notizia su Facebook, lo zoo olandese ha scritto che 'i papà sono orgogliosi è stanno facendo un ottimo lavoro, mostrandosi innamorati del loro prezioso piccolo…,'

"I due pinguini, entrambi maschi, fanno a turno nel prendersi cura del loro piccolo pulcino. I 20 giorni della vita di un pulcino di pinguino sono i più pericolosi per la sopravvivenza, ma gli esperti dello zoo osservano come i due genitori stiano facendo tutto il possibile per renderli felice e per nutrirlo in modo appropriato."