Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thing is--I have by now absorbed the fact that drug-prohibition has a dark and evil history in the United States--but why did the rest of the world, seemingly, follow suit?

So it (the prohibition of hemp) was, primarily,  the evil perpetrated by  greedy, corrupt, 'Citizen Kane' William Randolf Hearst, who had forests to burn...and the infinitely mendacious Anslinger...and the unspeakable Nixon...and Nancy ('Mommy') Reagan...and other unbelievable perhaps but perfectly Real Americans...Mais pourquoi les autres?

Peet's Major Dickason's Blend - Coffee Review

This  gentleman is a cleaner, fitter, somewhat younger version of myself. And we have exactly the same taste in coffee: Major Dickason, pressed in a French Press, is five fuckin stars out of five.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


We think of the Holy Bible, and especially the Old Testament, as being, generally, prohibitive of our human desires--and downright fulminitive  (calling down Jove/Jehovah's thunder) on the desires of perverts, who wish to lie with the same sex in the same way as they do with the opposite sex, or to uncover the nakedness of their aunts. But ¿have we considered that if we were having what the French (to their eternal credit, for thinking of it, and calling it something) call a partouze--sex with several other people at once--we would be Patriarchs practicing polygamy? What would you do with 100 concubines? Or even ten?

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trump Suggested Nuking a Hurricane. No Joke!

Cenk is right, of course, and it does not matter. But then, Who's on the bridge? Are we running without lights? Why was Trump not immediately impeached?

How Quickly we Forget...

The immense squalor of Epstein & Buddies is...behind us. Okay. I wasn't really all that interested--what with the subtext of tiny twats. But with their piercing shrieks of maenadic obsession with female child sexual molestation (the agony of which is 99% imaginary), these feminist harpies have drowned out the cries of boys being physically maimed and murdered by their single mothers and their single mothers' boyfriends (and girlfriends). And that's what's wrong, Lucy.

Still, there are a couple of things which have only fairly recently been got right: Gay Marriage (being gay) and Cannabis Liberation (smoking pot). As a species we have gained authentic awareness of ourself. It is wonderful indeed to know that we have endocannabinoids (and endocannabinoid receptors) throughout our brains and bodies--and as recently as twenty-seven years ago we knew nothing of the sort. And it took a decade or so to sink in.

Same with gayness--Something very fundamental (to society) happened about a dozen years ago, when it suddenly became a-okay to be gay. I've analyzed it elsewhere as the clever Lesbian strategy of demanding full civil rights for their Lesbian Marriages, and calling them "gay," thereby including gay men, who until then had been mostly satisfied to be "partners." But it lit a fire under straight women, and with that focus everything changed.

I just saw this: "Gay marriage is the slippery slope to incest." And, I should think, to polygamy. So?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Most Brutal, Bare Bones Explanation of Why and How the Jeffrey Epste...

"They whacked him." That's the American English for what happened to Jeff Epstein the CIA operative. My advice to Mr. Epstein, had I known him a couple of years ago, would have been: Hide. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Educates Ignorant Women Of The View

But, you see, even Tulsi Gabbard, who gets most things right, can't say plainly what an atrociously expensive disaster has been our (the CIA's) Endless War in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the Yemen.  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Tottering to Ferragosto

Long talk ystdy with Phil. He'll be 55 tomorrow.  No trifling with Life at that age. Sounds happy, prospering, being showered with emoluments by the German Reich, as properly he deserves; is buying (has bought) himself an Oregon myrtlewood guitar for 1,800 Euros. Bless him. We're having  a wonderful laugh over the Epstein horror,  making daisy-chains with Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and Steven Pinker, shouting over the landline, "Anybody who'd have sex with Bill Clinton is a pig!" And I did mention that I felt that Pinker, the man and the philosopher, missed what Chomsky was talking about in the unbelievably rapid language-acquisition of children (and that there are, therefore, in Pinker's precious "Evolutionary Psychology," gaps, holes and lacunae which neither objective right reason nor bias in his [Pinker's] favor can bridge or patch over). To speak with reckless imagism.

The fact is, in the Epstein Affair we see the utter bottom-feeding vulgarity of the class which owns and is consuming us: They are pimps. Pimps to themselves and to one another. The lowness of their taste is only exceeded by the sniggering indecency of their manners. 

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Sei Shonagon: captious Snob and mean Aristocrat and fun as hell, alas!

At least we do not know if she perished in misery and protracted agony as one of her station with as much bad karma as she must've accrued probably should have. We just don't know. And I, for one, hope that she had even an undeservedly pleasant and dignified end-of-life, because I can't help liking her even when she's wicked; and yes, all right, maybe it's her wickedness in itself that I especially like. I'd have made a great heterosexual. And I approve and applaud Sei Shonagon's (impatient upper class) pushing of people over sideways.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Russians dumbfounded as US abandons nuke deal

One minute closer.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

[166] Jesse Ventura On MSNBC Paying Him To Not Talk About War