Sunday, January 31, 2021

Coyote Plays With Cat - Insane

à voir, la parfaite gentillesse du coyote et de la chatte, qui s'entretiennent comme de bons amis.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Why Online Dems Hate Jimmy Dore! w/ Glenn Greenwald

The New Minimalist Architecture

There is something magnificent lately being, or having been, achieved in the art of building houses for people to live in, of correct minimal visual/optical effects and amenities--"infinity" swimming pools, vast windows, plexiglass balcony railings, cantilevered stairs, sarcophagean bathtubs, and many, lavishly appointed bathrooms. Not to say that the amenities are visual/optical effects, but such is the rococo raptus of these, that one who is even a little bit French is put on the defensive, and wonders, despite oneself, if such splendors can leave any room for mere corporeal humanity. They do. Finally. After 10 or 12,000 years of getting it mostly wrong, and only occasionally--as in the "Gold" and "Silver" Pavilions of Kyoto, or the Minoan palace of ancient Knossos, and perhaps in the general outlay of Tenochtitlán as Cortez found it--even ever getting the concept right.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

What Will Europe Look Like In 2025?

Cascadian Separatists take note. "Balkanization"? We're talking about the Greatest Glory of pre-WWI Civilization which was the 13-language, simultaneous/multitudinous ordinance-system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a feat/entity of staggering complexity. But so, ¡imagine if der Alte Fritz had had the Internet...!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

How the Stately Pilgrimage of My Life Got Detoured

I followed the sign that said 'This Way to See the Lovely Egress.'

Hamilton Morris interviews Michael Pollan

My two favorite living people, together, talking. But together they haven't, quite, found the measure of Timothy Leary, who, in my opinion and experience, blew the hinges off the ideological construction of the drug war. Such that, when plebiscites of Colorado and the Pacific States proclaimed marijuana to be de-illegalized--and the Drug War over--the Powers that Are said Yassuh.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Japanese seem to be recovering their historical Elitist Composure, after a century and a half of psychological intimidation...

And of course also, at the bitter end, of merciless, though perhaps not unwarranted, decimation and destruction. But that, too, is gone now. Leaving, among the several islands which constitute Japan, at least 77,000 (the smallest figure I have read) Shinto/Buddhist shrines-by-the-wayside--many of them with bed-and-breakfast facilities.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Guy Offers Hand to a Giant Octopus — You Won’t Believe How He Reacts | T...

Wise, precious giant octopus.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

The surprising reasons why Japan hates Kyoto! WATCH before traveling to ...

Raised in Hiroshima.

"E vivi ancora?"

"Si. Ma sono trasformato."

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Could Humans Actually Build A Dyson Sphere? | Answers With Joe

Frankly, I find the Dyson Sphere, qua concept, crudely mechanistic. There is in it less of elegant deduction/reduction than of obstinate, pig-headed materialism. Imagine, just, a Galactic Internet. Try. Yes, it would/could have material consequences, but what would these be?--Try and wrap your head around a Galactic Google: the algorythm of a really universal search engine.

You see, what we're talking about is what we suppose there is, of its own force, an evolutionary growth of civilization/technology which will attain at some point the capacity for travel throughout the visible universe, conveniently within the lifetimes of those who will travel in it--and, if they wish, may return home from. The model for this sort of thing is of course Sir Francis Drake: The eminently successful piracy, the concerts of fine music and dancing while circumnavigating the world, the knighting by the Queen (for the 36,000 fold return on her investment).

Monday, January 04, 2021

Nimiety - Toomuchness (Nimis - too-much)


Saturday, January 02, 2021

Dalla Terra a Proxima Centauri in venti anni? Il progetto Breakthrough S...

Mais ce n'est pas la peine.