Monday, November 30, 2020

Dumm ficht gut

 Phil told me in our last night's conversation that this is a popular vulgarism in Germany. But not true! I quickly retorted. If you've ever had sex with somebody--say, a half, or even only three-quarters, as smart as yourself--you know: (there's no mistaking the sickening, remorseful realization) that you've committed an act of bestiality. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

But Give me a fucking Break--

1. Women's sports (i.e., women's playing in them) is pitiful and ridiculous, farcical and sad; you want to laugh at them, but don't want to hurt their feelings--unless you do: One might admit that, so ugly and depressing a spectacle as women's gymnastics deserves a certain amount of feeling-hurting. And the horror of women's soccer perhaps should not be indulged or overlooked. 

2. There is no such thing as transgender. C'mon. Seriously. And cosmetic, surgically constructed approximations of genitalia are nauseating and horrifying.

3. In the 2020 United States Presidential Election, the Endless War Faction won.

With Widespread Marijuana Legalization at the Beginning of the Third Millennium

I am left somewhat in the position of one whose idiosyncratic personal hobbyhorse (the Goodness of Dope), which one never expects really ever to share with anyone, has overnight become everyone's crazy favorite obsession. Flabbergasted is just a little of what I feel, and of course deeply fulfilled--and with a thrill of a supposition as to what the cosmic punishment for ingratitude would be--Still, ¿Do you all realize how rational you're being?

Understanding Cannabinoids: Your Complete Cannabis Guide / Samantha Mill...

To know.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Seth Rogen's Weed - Houseplant Sativa Weed Review (19+ to view)

La demoiselle que voici représente parfaitement ce que c'est d'être belle, bien éduquée, sage, savante, avec le ton le moins pédantesque du monde. En elle-même elle résume Woke Civilization, honest, drug-centered, clean as a whistle and clear as a bell. And not an arrière-pensée in her head.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Why there are Black People in America

They are the descendants of slaves, who were brought to work, in a hellishly hot and humid part of the country (which was most of the Old South), where nobody whose ancestors had not lived and worked in Equatorial Africa could work. Property owners in, say, Georgia in 1830, had tried indentured white people (who had a tendency to run away), and they had tried enslaving Native Americans (who tended to wither and die in captivity) and basically the only workers left, who could stand up under a Georgia sun and pick cotton in the quantity required by the new cotton gin, were Black. The timely realization of which is why, in 1860, Georgia was the richest state in the Union.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

GLENN GREENWALD Smashes Pro-Censorship MSNBC Goons.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Terrible Counterpoint in Mozart's "A Musical Joke" ("Ein Musikalischer S...

I really don't like this any more than I like Beethoven's "Grosse Fuga"--in fact I dislike them both in much the same way. But what I adore about the Musikalischer Spass is that I don't have to take it seriously.

Demystifying Beethoven's Große Fuge

I hate this charmless, strident, bombastic deaf-music. How it violates the medium it was ostensibly written for.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


And with Fried Shark's Egg, Shirley, we conclude our list of Culinary Curiosities, of Things I Wouldn't Eat on a Dare. I haven't actually viewed this (video) beyond the point at which FSE was announced in the voice-over as next-up--and I may well not. The prospect, ugh vying with ick, appalls. And yet of course somehow also titillates.

Friday, November 13, 2020

When you have a sufficiency of both, which is more important to your general well being and mental health, tea or pot?

If you've been, say, half a day without either, and that old tension headache has been tightening across the sides of your head...and/but you've been to the grocery store and bought yourself a supply of your favorite English Breakfast tea, and brewed yourself a big double cuppa, while at the same time loading up a good-sized bowl of primo weed to smoke--and you're just sitting down to your standard evening of Quora and YouTube, alternately sipping and toking--and the pain and anxiety have simply, magically, dissipated...¿Which is the analgesic effect of delicious tea, and which the mindful bliss of cannabis, frankly, I cannot tell.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Basic Black Bean Soup

 1 lb. dry black "turtle" beans

1 medium jalapeño pepper

1 can high-fat coconut milk

thumb-sized chunk of ginger root (grated)

1 lb. mushrooms (any kind)

1 bulb fennel (if you think of it)

1 lb. cheap meat (ham hocks, hot Italian sausage--whatever you can stomach being reminded of while you eat it). Prosciutto would be lovely, salt pork just fine. Ahimsa be damned, it's for the flavor; but of course when you're damning Ahimsa (eating your fellow sentient beings), you've got to be careful not to make yourself sick. 

Spices: Cumin, thyme, basil, sherry, bay leaf, paprika, garlic, Armagnac, smoked peppers, you can do a whole battery of chili peppers with black beans (and don't forget black pepper--it has its note).

Combine the ingredients in whatever order they come to you--remember not to chop the mushrooms too fine. Put in large pot with a lid.

Water to cover, bring to boil, reduce heat and let simmer for an hour and a half to two hours, stirring occasionally, adding water, or stock, or coconut milk as the spirit moves you. The soup is done when the beans are completely soft.

Test for salt--ad libitum. I usually add a half, medium-sized bottle of soy sauce at the end.

Saturday, November 07, 2020

I'd like just to say how greatly it comforts me, when I look back over a long life ill-spent maybe, but nonetheless never, ever, having tasted dog, cat or rat...

Nor eel, snake or guinea pig.  Nor, blessedly, neither ostrich nor kangaroo. I'm not even curious.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

La última mañana de Mujica como presidente

After what we did to them, these guys deserve, at least, some saintly, valorous and virtuous statesmen/philosophers.I saw a  fairly recent interview with Rafael Correa, in which Correa was asked about Hugo Chavez--and he like suddenly exuberates, "¡Mi querididísimo amigo, y un gran Ser umano!" I didn't know that querididísimo existed but I understood it immediately. What this all comes to is some basic truisms of originally perhaps Classical Humanism: The Elect recognize one another (Friendship is their greatest delight) and promulgate wise, gentle laws that free people, alleviate poverty and encourage smoking weed.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Most Delicious Salmon Head Miso Soup - Ishikari Nabe Style | Bakkafrost ...

The very name! is reason for me to run shrieking from the room. Jeezuz. I had thought that only salmon eggs ("red caviar") could so hysterically move me, but somehow I find "most delicious salmon head" even more thrilling. Makes me wonder: What do the Japanese put in their dumpsters?

Monday, November 02, 2020

José “Pepe” Mujica a Luis Almagro.

Pure, elegant, sparkling vitriol. I love this ugly old man.