Friday, July 31, 2020

Nina Turner: Voting For Biden Like Eating "Half A Bowl Of Sh*t"

Así es.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Why don't the British use Bidets?

For the same reason, I reckon, that they have bad teeth and potty mouths: They are, by nature, too hypocritical to acknowledge their own filth. When they have a poo, or a menstrual discharge--and hopefully a wipe--they stand up, and consider themselves far enough removed from the source of bad smells, to just forget about what else they need to do.

Most Realistic Planetary Collision Reveals a Few Surprises

I must insist: None of these planetary collisions is attested by direct evidence. And do you know what you wind up with when you base your view of reality on what might have happened? Epicycles. Dark Matter. Dark Forces. You start seeing things that you expect to see. And, if I may suggest it, you might miss seeing what's really there.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

DNC Blocks Medicare4All In Platform & Bernie Does Nothing!

With this we are boogered, betrayed, stabbed in the front.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Usually I don't put pornography on my blog, unless I'm illustrating what I think is an important further point of discussion, of, say, psychology or sociology--but with this video I am maybe crossing my own internal boundary-marker.  I would just point out that these two, man and boy, have a certain chemistry, and that they like and trust one another. And this chemistry--Well, bethink you of a certain Restoration Rake, Lord Rochester by name, who wrote a funny poem about his Page, whom he calls a "Knave," and says he "Does the Trick worth forty Wenches."

MYTH # 24: Homosexuality is against nature?

Merci. C'est justement ce qu'il nous a fallu savoir. J'accepte. Il n'en faut plus rien dire. OK.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Misunderstood Moments in History - Why the Persians Failed to Conquer G...

The old old story. New to me was the realization of how great a part the weather played in freeing Greeks from the Persian octopus. As in the English defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588; as--very similarly when you think about it--also in the Japanese delivrance (by typhoon) from the cruel grasp of Kublai Khan, in 1274, and then again 1281. Miraculous, if not Divine, say/admit I th'obdùrate atheist.

The thing about American bison, if you've ever tasted a bison-burger,

You know: they taste good. Not just satisfying. Good. Like oysters, and venison, and roast goose washed down with Moselle wine that tastes like apples, and pâté de foie gras de canard, and (I hear tell) caviar, putting aside all our pieties about ahimsa, these are lives that I am willing to sacrifice while I'm eating them, because they're too delicious, alas, not to. This, by repute, is how 'Centaurians (flesh-eating lizards such as are found in the State Department) feel about two-year-old Mexican children à la Bave et au Sang--a dish they like, 'tis said, too much ever to give up.

Discovering Olivia de Havilland Documentary.

Cette dame est morte hier. A class act for 104 years.

Why scientists are so worried about this glacier

What we won't do, apparently, is what it would have been necessary to've done to've saved us. Dàmn, we are not like those  industrious Mesopotamians of long ago, expanding their acreage and figuring out what to do with excess water when they had it--and we really need to be like them, and think like them.

Here's My Plan: We take the water that the collapse of Thwaites Glacier will dump into the worldwide ocean, and we somehow fuckin siphon it into outer space--say, a couple of hundred, or thousand,  miles out. In a big extraterrestrial globe of ocean-water, in orbit around the earth, an extra-ocean, so to say, to be added-to as the world inexorably warms. Listen, we've put a man on the moon, invented the transistor, we can do it. Now, do you know what you could do with an extra ocean?

Meantime, what we need is lift-off capacity. For several things--besides Water. Ourselves. Nuclear waste. The latter in permanent orbit around, and on the far side of, the moon, I should think, as the safest place to store it in case we should ever need it. And ourselves, I think, with all the space and elbow-room and creature-comforts that we require, might make space travel the Flying Cloud reality we know it will be. That's my Liner (or Riverboat) Kami Mentality contribution to Mahayana Buddhism. I don't insist on it.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Kazantzakis is an author whose major work, The Last Temptation of Christ,

I confess to being deeply familiar with, having read it a couple of times over, and it having lodged like a chicken-bone in several passages of my soul; gorgeous tatters of flamboyant (modern, heterosexual, Christian) Greek Prose, exhorting me to Dance! for my very Soul's sake...Come to think of it, that was Zorba, whereof I never saw the movie, nor read the novel, but somehow I know all about it.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Portland Protests Escalate! Chicago Mayor Welcomes Federal Goons!

Give the Deep State its due: It knows who its real enemies are.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Every American Should be Terrified by What's Happening in Portland Right...


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Regarding the "inferior intelligence" of black people:

Overall, it is probably true, just as it is incontestable that Chinese and Inuit people are smarter than all the rest of us, and likeliest to attend and graduate from Harvard. But stupid is stupid, and I'd rank some of my own relatives with those who grew up drinking the tap-water in Flint, Michigan. I'm quite aware that having an I.Q. of 65 does not, in itself, make you a bad person. But--and here's the crucial qualification--I have taken a 19th century French Literature course in college, taught by a thin-lipped but coal-black native of Cameroon (raised in a respectable, polygamous household), who liked my French prose style. And nothing makes you more equal buddies than that.

Gotta say, André and I really first hit it off in his class, the day we were discussing one of the Alfreds--de Vigny, or de Musset (I forget which)--and I was saying how classical his poetry sounded to me, "like 'Lente, lentie currite noctis equii....'" And André said, "Mon dieu, Latin!" with this politely appalled expression that quite won my heart.

Joe Rogan Explains Systemic Racism to Ben Shapiro

Est-ce que je l'entends? Est-ce que je le comprends? Non, pas tout à fait. Allow me, finally, to state my views and to expatiate on the Consequences of Negro Slavery:

In the very first place, it is a question of our right, as Free Americans, to the ownership of our fellow sentient beings. Adherents of the Southern Confederacy, and proponents of the Peculiar Institution of Negro Slavery often begin their defense of this abominable practice by adducing their God-given right to the ownership of domestic animals--and to the significance and meaning of "chattel" in Common Law. The eventual purport of this "natural" hierarchy of submission is that enslaved Blacks in the Old South would have been "normally" treated as humanely as horses and mules. Which may have been true, on some idyllic plantations owned by branches of the Virginia Wilkes Family, in Georgia; but which was certainly not, and was never, true, of the ghastly treatment of black slaves on the sugar cane plantations in Louisiana. Actually, sophistry aside, even granted the inferior intelligence of Negroes, nothing in God's Law, or the Natural Order, justifies the criminal barbarity of enslaving them--or of having enslaved them.

A little known or considered historical fact is that Abraham Lincoln was himself obsessed with plans for "repatriating" American negroes, once he'd manumitted them--He could never, quite, work out the logistics of sending them all back to Africa, but he seems to've thought it would be necessary--or at least desirable to do so. It never occurred to Honest Abe that Black People might want to stay here, and eventually go on Welfare.

Schmidt: Trump's Portland Crackdown Is Frightening Federal Thuggery | Th...

Sometimes, you see, if you are the Supreme Power, with 60 per cent of a several trillion dollar budget at your disposal, you'd just like to be feared, not liked or esteemed.

Deep State Thugs tear-gassing the Moms and the Mayor of Portland--the barbaric Horror

DHS Secret Police "Surging" Into Chicago and Albuquerque

Do I detect a certain air de Pahlavi? Handsome at first glance--then you sense an underlying Ghoulishness. Here's a torturer who likes his work. What fun he and "Bloody Gina" Haspell must have together!

Trump's Feds Gas Portland Mayor & Portland Moms On-Camera

"This is the beginning of Fascism."

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Talking with Sister Rose this afternoon,

Turns out, she only subscribes to the Sunday paper NYT, so she wasn't up on what that venerable organ has been printing on its front page lately. She was up and on to those "Taliban affiliates" who'd get paid a thousand dollars a head for shooting U.S. "and Allied" soldiers, and wouldn't just do it for fun.

Talking with Richard a couple of days ago--

We concur that something's about to shift massively, though of course we know not, quite, what. But we both think that something like hegemonic monetary system change (from Dollars to Yen and Bats) will be the signal given. Interesting how it is south-east Asia, Malyasia/Thailand, which is emerging as the golden hub of the wheel of world finances, and not, as we had always presupposed it would be, in China, Korea or even Japan.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Joe Biden Is, I sense, the Dog-of-War-President, that Obama and Hillary were but rough-draft Prototypes of...Now we'll get the Real Thing: Eternal War, everlasting Ragnarök, the endless Witches' Night of the (admittedly putative) Carnivorous Lizards from Alpha Centauri, which will be as Terrible as it will be Depraved....

Already they're sending their troops (unmarked, in camouflage) to Portland, Oregon. They are, I think, identifying their victims--which, as Pinochet and Robespierre before him, might attest, is a necessary preliminary to any large-scale, random orgies of terror and murder you may be planning.

RIP Michael Brooks

How extraordinarily decent and, in the Latin sense, sweet and decorous, is correct-hearted young Mr. Kulinski's funeral speech for his fallen colleague. Amazing to see this ancient, noble art, of dealing verbally with death and loss, reborn in one so young. So spake the Cherub....

Apart from which, the death, if you please, of Michael Brooks--whose quality you may judge by the great number of top-notch people (¿¡Lula da Silva!?) who have loved and who now mourn him--is a very big deal.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

"Bounties on U.S. Troops" Story Collapses!

Thanks, Jimmy. But why is everybody else so fucking stupid/credulous?

Post Traumatic Stress is not a Disorder, it's the only-normal, rational Grief and Remorse felt after the Perpetration of Enormities (War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity) by Mercenary Soldiers. Those afflicted with it should probably commit Suicide.

Funny thing, about regaining my sense of smell, after many decades' smoking tobacco and developing a coronary occlusion, by having a stent put in my upper left ventricular artery, thus (after after long gradual attrition) having a normal flow of fresh, oxygenated blood restored, to my heart's upper left ventricle, and, as it happens, to my head (and my nose)--

Along with balmy evening air, I have come to appreciate, and find beguilingly fragrant, Bigelow's English Breakfast tea--and I'm saving a bundle on the funds I'm no longer sending to tea purveyors in Darjeeling.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

But ¿do I APPROVE of Trump?--Every bit as much as I do of, say, slimeball, vainglorious, dumbfuck Joe Biden. Which is to say: absolutely of fucking course ¡NOT! ¿And who makes UP these incredibly stupid questions?

Friday, July 17, 2020

But the "Russian Bounties" Canard--so call it, for such it is (a silly, stupid canard, of the sort that is always being printed on the front page of the New York Times and the Washington Post, and is always vouched for by the CIA)--has me worried:

Evidently the Left have been snookered into not identifying and decrying it for the bullshitful canard that it obviously is, by Dumb Donald's having pretty much, in dereliction of his supposed presidential duty (to be, as Americans are supposed to be, hostile to Russia), said that a bullshit canard ("fake news") is all that the story of "Russian Bounties paid to Taliban Affiliates for the sniping out of American and Allied Troops" ever amounted to. ¿Because the Left is scared of appearing to be so un-American as not to believe that Russia is their enemy? Really? Maybe we are all one Dumbfuckistan.

OKC District Attorney Says This Is NOT SEATTLE, Gives Rioters TERROR Cha...

I wish to congratulate the District Attorneys of Oklahoma for this clear statement of our bioregional and political differences. What they didn't say is that these differences are also distinctions of educational level and class.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Elizabeth Custer Documentary

Libbie Custer is the only still-beautiful thing to come out of the crushing, vile, necessary military defeat of her husband, General George Armstrong Custer, in the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Though gay, I admire her warm, sexual relationship with the mentally ridiculous but physically gorgeous man that was General Custer ("When I hear the clink of your saber on the stairs, etc."). I would put the happy couple they made, up there with Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife, and, of course, Victoria and Albert--as proof of the axiom that, heterosexuality (sex and marriage), when it works, makes you better.

Et bien, when love and marriage doesn't work, you get: Marcus Aurelius and Faustina,  Nicholas and Alexandra, the Lincolns, Suleiman the Great and Roxelana--wherewith everything, or some part of everything, goes to shit: (in the aforementioned cases) Commodus, the Russian Revolution, our Civil War, peaceful political change of power in the Ottoman Empire.  Some spousal couples are poison, though they love one another to bits.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Prisoner's Base

is a game that children are supposed to know how to play, that I have only recently heard of, and all the descriptions of which, that I have found on Google and Wikipedia, are as opaque and meaningless to me as the Hegelian Dialectic. You take Hostages? How is this a game? Why is it fun?

A modicum of research reveals: as I suspected, Medieval Peasant Aggression (Border Conflicts) as the origin of tag games--pretty much, from the same feudal period, the same sort of barely suppressed mutual carnage that was wrought on one another  by English villages who were inventing what we now call Australian Rules Football or Rugby.

The reason I've never played them, and that I had to look them up in the encyclopedia to find out what they were, is that these tag-games--children's games--with their heavy implicit burthen of calamitous 14th century European history, are generally felt/perceived by Americans, and by American Educators, to be too much like exercises in bullying and elitism, for American kids to enjoy them or to want to play them. So they don't--and I, being an American kid, never did.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Nero Wolfe Mystery S02E01E02 Death of a Doxy

Delicious. I'm going to watch it at least once more. I love it when the whole piece is an exposition of the author's mind and philosophy, opinions and obsessive hobbyhorses--and there's still enough generous heart behind it to make it interesting.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

#107 Frederick Crews: Why Freud is a Fraud

Great light, which penetrates and dispels most of what is barefacedly adhered to, by women about themselves, and by child-psychologists about children.

I Hope This Helps: Logical Positivism

This is enjoyable, and perfectly correct--to a point.

A. J. Ayer on Logical Positivism and Its Legacy (1976)

Damn. So painful it is to watch this man--whose book I have read. and understood, and liked--smoke cigarets compulsively, as once we all did. How can we have been so clueless, amongst so much toxicity?

Friday, July 10, 2020

Goat-herding, such as that practiced by those who wrote the Holy Bible, is easy but not fun, or fun but not easy.

Goat-herders are tense people, because goats are tricky animals to herd. Billy goats can be mean--but usually there aren't very many of them--and your typical goat-herd (not flock, you'll notice) has mostly lady-goats, called "does" (pronounced "doas") in it. Dohs, lady-goats, speaking generally, are nice, pleasant, friendly animals--You'll want to pet them, and they'll proffer their heads and necks for you to scrrtch them. And they will want to go wherever you go--and that's all there is to it. Take along a dog for them to follow besides you, and head for the Still Water: You're herding goats. As far as that goes. You're being mindful of a bunch of fast-moving, medium-sized, friendly individuals who are glad of your company, but who can also, without a sense of loss, do without it.

And well, these are Semitic people, right? Phoenicians. Carthaginians. Buriers of their first-born sons under their threshholds, Such as wrought piteous tears in the eyes of tough Romans. It's to remember that as keepers of goats, they as qualmlessly eat their goats, as a Tartar drinks his horse's blood. Add ritual genital mutilation, stubborn monotheism, a tendency to patriarchal despotism--and a great store of goat (and sheep) skins, which is all you know to write on because you haven't invented paper yet--though nervous, exhausted and distracted from goat-herding--you begin: "Men are sons. Girls don't count. Sonness comes from Fathers' Fatherness. Fathers have Sons. Only sometimes also girls, but they don't count. Praise God."                                                  

Thursday, July 09, 2020

A Nero Wolfe Mystery S01E05 Prisoner's Base Part 2

Such fun. I adore Timothy Hutton's Archie Goodwin, and Maury Chaykin's (He's dead now, survived by a daughter) Nero Wolf.  Perfection both of them, say I, a long time fan-reader of Rex Stout Nero Wolf detective novels; just as, reading, I imagined them.

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Black Hole Collision With An Unexplained Massive Object

Shattering the "White Fragility" Myth

Noam Chomsky on Masters of Mankind (2015)

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

More Chomsky on Postmodernism - June 6, 1997

Commonsensical overview by the greatest intellect of our era. Poignant. Funny.

How To Pretend Systemic Racism Doesn't Exist - SOME MORE NEWS

But. Does Redlining still happen? I'll bet it doesn't. And I happen to've read the published work of Dr. Arthur Jensen, and to agree with all I read in it. And I've already said how much I despise Black and Jewish and Irish and Hilbilly culture and music--hiphop anyway. And I long ago concluded that there could be but one way for anyone trapped in those cultures to emerge clean from them, and that would be by honest, color-blind Individualism (or possibly  Unitarianism). This is how I can have had, back in the day when it was appropriate for me to have done so, a couple of fine, and very different, black lovers (one of whom was a for-real, no-sex, straight bromance, where we like slept together but didn't fuck--and, yes, it was weird being esteemed for my whiteness).

So let's talk a little about Scott Joplin. I would point out the thing that, in my estimation, makes his music precious to us: It's Charm, ladies and gentlemen. As in Chopin and Tschaikovsky. As in Alfons Mucha of the 1890's and 19-oughts. It's like the curve of the ass of a thirty-year-old male soccer player. There is nothing else in the universe like it--It just is. Daüber mussen wir schweigen.

Monday, July 06, 2020

The Miserable Death Of Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen | Elizabeth (Part 4...

I don't get "miserable." Sad, sure. Amazingly deliberate. Brilliant, really, like everything else this lady ever did--and brave. She died a Virgin, with a capital V. And I think her illegitimate son was Shakespeare, if not she herself.

All right, so I am to some degree (not forgetting her having those poor printers' right hands cut off--nonetheless) bending the knee and kissing the hand of Good Queen Bess. It's not just her glorious imminence I'm captivated by. It's her incredible mind--whose polyglot and polymath perfection she (and Roger Ascham and Katherine Parr) attained (trained and exercised into existence) with real musical and athletic talent, akin to genius; the pedagogic implications of which are, I think, still not realized or well understood, but are perhaps foreshadowed in Das Glasperlenspiel of Herman Hesse. Which, methinks, is never sufficiently, or quite, comprehended by (those devil) historians, who are at the mercy of their own unrefined sensibilities and uneducated tastes, in their (failed) apprehension of the intellectual and artistic culture of Elizabethans. They (historians) are, really, in their totality, like that famous committee of blindfold men describing an elephant: Some understand the Latinity and the sciences; some appreciate the piratic adventurousness; a few realize the Olympian mastery of Weelkes, Gibbon, Tallis and Byrd. Nobody gets it all together at once the way, say, that Francis Drake did. My ears are still ringing from the soirées musicales aboard the Pelican.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

The thing that's unpardonably trivializing about 'Black Lives Matter' is that, so stated, without full simultaneous acknowledgement that 'Red, White and Yellow Lives Also Matter,' it's a doubtful, rather sarcastic, Oxymoron-in-itself, like 'Feminism.'

Hiking in Kerala - Better than Sri Lanka??? ����

This is real: Dour Scotsman confronts Subcontinental Sleazeball. And becomes outright explicitly, verbally racist, with contemptuously violent implication. Wow. You can read the last four hundred years of Anglo/Indian history in this traveller's tale of a quick young Scotsman rebuffing and containing his lazy, presumptuous Indian guide. It is painful. I can't say as I like our young Scotsman: He is ageist, and ableist, and cold, and, as I say, racist to a fault, with no room in his heart for the childish moral and intellectual weaknesses of others--but I am compelled to admire him, and to admit the justness of his judgement, which he will not unsay. And but notice how endearingly this Caledonian luxuriates in the upland cool and mountain mists of Kerala, as people of his race have always done. Certainly I don't quite like him, but I think I rather love him.

Notice, too, the instinctual correctness with which our young adventurer, as of one whose heritage speaks through him, identifies and describes the purpose of an elephant watering tank on the summit of a Western Ghat. That is authenticity.

Friday, July 03, 2020

Take a deep Breath--LBTQ are Barnacles on the Hull of the Good Ship Gay (Male) Liberation

Betelgeuse Update Explains The Dimming - Huge Starspots!

"The explanation, at least, which does not involve 'Aliens.'" Because, of course, if it did involve "Aliens," that would blow the fucking hinges off of everything. Nostro caro Anton is sounding more and more like a tired, self-pitying real scientist, whose shoulders are pressed against the door he's just slammed shut on a ravening mob of raving science-fantasistes. He doesn't even want to think about all those hinges. 

Thursday, July 02, 2020

PANEL: Senate kills bill to end Afghan War

God fucking damn a whole lot of people: The majority of the United States'  Senate; some of whom, on the evidence of this vote, must be ghouls or vampires--and some of whom must be abject, lickspittle cowards..

Isn't it about time that we stopped using Chimpanzees (fellow hominids) as "laboratory animals"?

And listen, Lucy, I'm gonna tell you--

Frankly, when I look at most people, I feel sorry for them--just to look at them--because most people are ugly in some way. Personal beauty is actually quite rare in most of the human race (who are not young, or male, or of Italian or Persian descent). But--and here's the important, civilized fact--I consciously forgive all the ugly people I meet, for their ugliness, and I deliberately put their ugliness out of my mind, by seeking to know, and appreciate, their god-given individual, personal characters. I do this in fact with all the life-forms that I encounter, including women, whom I purposefully absolve of their feminine natures, and their vaginas, in order to treat them as my social, moral and intellectual equals.


Sans être aucunement gai.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Coming Together Speaker Series: Dr. Robin DiAngelo

Ah. This woman and her subject matter is everything I despise, loathe and resent. But hers is the microphone, and the valid but contemptible academic credentials, and the hour or two allotted her to speak without interruption. So, in Ms. Maleficent's terms, our protesting that we have already heard entirely too much, and more than we need, about putative Racism, is a "micro-aggression."

But, in a fashion inconceivable to la DiAngelo, having long since proved myself an American Transcendentalist Individual, instead of acceding to the Christian peremptory demand that I acknowledge myself sinful by nature, I am fore-armed against her similarly insulting insistance that I am unconsciously socialized and incapable of objectivity--which sounds to my ear indistinguishably like an imputation of Original Sin.