Friday, July 26, 2024

Nothing nauseates more, I think, than the Democratic Elite's Coronation of the California Top Cop--

Unless it were the visible geriatric decay of Joe Biden. Jeez, guys--Put him back in his box, and spare us any more televised "tableaux vivants." ¿Do they think that we can't see that the Biden of recent televised appearances is a more or less skillfully animated zombie corpse...¿that the only remaining human thing left in it is a zombielike slowburning irascence...anger that makes him shout....Yeck.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

They meant to murder Trump--

The advantages, to them, of a dead Republican presidential candidate, must have seemed irresistible--if even Trump had been but seriously wounded- -They could maybe, with a straight face, have run Kamala Harris. But c'mon. Still. I'd like to know, what do you make a Lonely Boy like Thomas Matthew Crooks ingest, and what do you tell him beforehand, to make him be willing to be murdered (immediately) himself, if it were but to murder Trump?  With all the treasonous and incompetent help of the evidently entirely suborned Secret Service, still, what motivated him?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The "Trump Miracle"

Because, for several reasons, that's what it is. And then (one of those great historical moments that it'd be impossible to foresee, or even to realize we'd lost hope for): the deputizing of J.D. Vance as his running-mate and likely presidential successor in 2028. Probity. Decency. Competence. Abolish the CIA? Rescind the Espionage Act of 1917?  We'll see.