And now, in my old age, it is good to see all those brutal, thick-fingered hands--once the torment and the death-grip on so many, innocent young throats--withering and palsying into insignificance (Is Kissinger dead yet?). Oh, they continue their vile, bloody work in Iraq, and Libya, and Afghanistan, and Yemen, and Palestine, torturing and murdering the innocent--but their grasp is faltering, their obscenity is hollow, callow, inspiring no gales of Partisan demoniacal enthusiasm in their Orc-like followers: The "War on Terrorism" is a palpable DumbFuck/Texan expedient that never really got off the ground, ideologically-speaking, much less ever flew. And it will soon (I'd say a dozen years or so) be over, for want of accessible innocents to kill--Africa, you'll notice, is one sticky-ass tar-baby: Sure, there are lot of people, and other critters, there to kill--but can you get at 'em, even with drones? And, of course, the "War on Drugs"--even the shouting and the posturing--as of 2018, is over. So then what?
Well, moribund as I am already, I should be dead by then, though it gives me some joy now to foresee the defeat of our feminized imperial mercenary armies, by (let's hope) a massive surge of popular resistance, which will usher in a period of salutary retribution--for those whom we have trodden down and oppressed--with large-scale, bloody, recriminatory massacres of U.S. and NATO occupational forces. A consummation devoutly (per la santissima Charlotte Corday) to be wished.
As an American and a Constitutionalist, I hope that, for the motherland, this will result in the secession of Colorado, New England and the Pacific States, which will then re-constitute themselves as Real America, or as provinces of Canada, whichever, as they see fit. For the rest, the bottomlessly ignorant inhabitants of DumbFuckistan--I wonder sometimes if it does not hurt their feelings to know how incredibly, hopelessly stupid they are, or if that is among the many matters of fact and general knowledge that they can't/don't allow themselves to realize, and so aren't really touched by. This is, after all, the half-funny/half-hideous dichotomy that we (Sam. Adams, and Thom. Jefferson, and James Madison, and poor, weak-minded George Washington) set ourselves up for, by not, from the first, abolishing slavery as a pre-condition for nationhood. It's not that the Truth matters so much, as that it will always out.